Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
USA West Coast Tour | 2012
2,068 USA West Coast Tour (2012) We went to USA together as 4 friends in 2012. One of our friends had to go back to Turkey earlier than us in August, so we were left only 3 people for our vacation time. Since I have already traveled on the east coast in my work and […]
GoPro Replacement Customer Support | International
1,790 International GoPro Replacement Back-story: I love taking photos with my DSLR (Canon 550D), I have a few accessories and they help me try different techniques every time. Yet, they were not enough to take photos or videos in extreme conditions like dusty, rainy and also underwater ones. I was going snorkeling and wanted to capture […]
World’s Hardest Game
862 This is world’s one of the hardest games ever! You will be testing your hand-eye coordination to its limits. I hardly made it to level 29 last year and haven’t played since then… Good luck to you all :))
Sunset in Wrocław
853 Please watch it in fullscreen with 720p or 1080p for the best quality. I hope you like it 🙂 youtube: 24 mins of video in 32x speed.
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