Category: Diary

  • Tandem Skydiving at Freefall Adventures

    Tandem Skydiving at Freefall Adventures

    1,923 [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Tandem Skydiving Tandem skydiving is a kind of skydiving where a student skydiver is attached to a tandem instructor. The student is informed with very basic instructions and the tandem instructor is responsible for all the actions like deploying and piloting the canopy and landing. This post is not a…

  • USA West Coast Tour | 2012

    USA West Coast Tour | 2012

    2,082 USA West Coast Tour (2012) We went to USA together as 4 friends in 2012. One of our friends had to go back to Turkey earlier than us in August, so we were left only 3 people for our vacation time. Since I have already traveled on the east coast in my work and…